Delegation Pattern in Kotlin
Class delegation, property delegation, and more
Some days ago, I needed to break the implementation of a complex ViewModel. Looking for some ideas I’ve found the Delegation Pattern.
What is the Delegation pattern?
A design pattern where one object relies on another to perform specific tasks instead of doing it itself.
Why use it?
- Promotes composition over inheritance
- Allows better reuse of functionality
- Simplifies code by avoiding duplication
Kotlin’s support for Delegation
Kotlin makes the Delegation Pattern easy by providing:
- Class delegation
- Property delegation
Class Delegation
In Kotlin, class delegation allows you to delegate the implementation of an interface to another object using the by
interface Logger {
fun log(message: String)
class ConsoleLogger : Logger {
override fun log(message: String) {
println("ConsoleLogger: $message")
class FileLogger : Logger {
override fun log(message: String) {
println("FileLogger: $message")
class Application(logger: Logger) : Logger by logger
fun main() {
val consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger()
val fileLogger = FileLogger()
// Pass the consoleLogger instance to Application
val app1 = Application(consoleLogger)
app1.log("Using console logger.") // ConsoleLogger: Using console logger.
// Pass the fileLogger instance to Application
val app2 = Application(fileLogger)
app2.log("Using file logger.") // FileLogger: Using file logger.
It is even possible to apply multiple implementations with the only restriction being that you have to decide which one to use during the object construction.
interface Engine {
fun start()
fun stop()
fun getStatus(): String
class ElectricEngine : Engine {
override fun start() = println("⚡ Electric motor starting")
override fun stop() = println("⚡ Electric motor stopping")
override fun getStatus() = "Electric Motor OK"
class BasicEngine : Engine {
override fun start() = println("🔥 Gas engine starting")
override fun stop() = println("🔥 Gas engine stopping")
override fun getStatus() = "Gas Engine OK"
class HybridCar(
electricEngine: Engine,
basicEngine: Engine,
useElectric: Boolean
) : Engine by when {
useElectric -> electricEngine
else -> basicEngine
Of course, you can apply multiple class delegations to a single class
interface ElectricCar {
fun chargeBattery()
fun driveElectric()
interface GasolineCar {
fun refuelTank()
fun driveGasoline()
class GenericElectricCar : ElectricCar {
override fun chargeBattery() {
println("ElectricCar: Charging the battery.")
override fun driveElectric() {
println("ElectricCar: Driving on electric power.")
class GenericGasolineCar : GasolineCar {
override fun refuelTank() {
println("GasolineCar: Refueling the gas tank.")
override fun driveGasoline() {
println("GasolineCar: Driving on gasoline.")
class HybridCar(
electricCar: ElectricCar,
gasolineCar: GasolineCar
) : ElectricCar by electricCar, GasolineCar by gasolineCar
Property delegation
In Kotlin, property delegation allows you to delegate the getter and setter logic of a property to another object. This is done using the by
keyword. Instead of directly managing the property, the responsibility is handed off to a “delegate” object that provides custom behavior for reading and writing the property.
Built-in property delegates
Kotlin provides some useful built-in property delegates:
- Lazy initialization:
is a standard delegate for initializing a property lazily.
val myLazyValue: String by lazy {
"Hello, Kotlin!"
fun main() {
println(myLazyValue) // Prints: Initializing... Hello, Kotlin!
println(myLazyValue) // Prints: Hello, Kotlin! (No reinitialization)
- Observable properties:
allows you to react to property changes.
var observedProperty: String by Delegates.observable("Initial Value") { _, old, new ->
println("Changed from $old to $new")
fun main() {
observedProperty = "New Value" // Prints: Changed from Initial Value to New Value
Custom property delegates
You can create your own property delegates by implementing the getValue and setValue operators
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class CustomDelegate {
private var value: String = "Default"
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): String {
return value
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, newValue: String) {
value = newValue.uppercase()
var myProperty: String by CustomDelegate()
fun main() {
println(myProperty) // Prints: Default
myProperty = "hello"
println(myProperty) // Prints: HELLO
You can find Property Delegation usage in Compose
The function remember{}
in Compose has been designed using the concept of delegation in mind. Here I show you a very simplified example of it.
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class RememberDelegate<T>(private val initializer: () -> T) {
private var value: T? = null
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
if (value == null) {
value = initializer()
return value!!
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, newValue: T) {
value = newValue
fun <T> customRemember(initializer: () -> T): RememberDelegate<T> {
return RememberDelegate(initializer)
fun main() {
var rememberedValue by customRemember { "Hello, World!" }
println(rememberedValue) // Prints: Hello, World!
rememberedValue = "New Value"
println(rememberedValue) // Prints: New Value
The Delegation Pattern in Kotlin is a powerful way to simplify code and promote composition over inheritance. Kotlin’s built-in delegation support makes implementing this pattern easy and elegant.
- Promotes composition over inheritance
- Allows better reuse of functionality
- Simplifies code by avoiding duplication
NOTE: I’ve created a playlist for 3 videos I recorded showing all these examples work (those videos are in Spanish)
- Delegation | Kotlin Documentation - Delegated properties | Kotlin Documentation